Member-only story
Get started with easy, evergreen notes for personal knowledge management (PKM)
Updated Sunday, May 8 and Saturday, April 20, 2022
Like many of us, I spent some time at the start of the year looking for ways to improve my personal productivity. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this. I’ve been on a long journey to find an approach that’s easy to keep up. I want to grow an evergreen collection of notes that’s easy to maintain and useful as a personal reference day-to-day and year-to-year.
In college, my friend Sherry took the most amazing notes. She was practically a stenographer and an early riser in the same morning classes I occasionally missed. Her notes were better than the lecture. She captured everything the professor said, underlined key points, and wrote important terms in all caps with definitions added in the margins. Whenever I missed a class, Sherry lent me her notes, and every time, they were as good as, if not better than, being there in person.
Those are the kind of notes I want to take. But I always fall short. My mind wanders. I miss details. For meetings where I present, I take terrible notes. And when I do take good, detailed notes, they retire to a OneNote notebook or folder on my hard drive, never really referenced. And say I want to make changes to my approach, I have to wonder, will I need to use a new app? Migrate…